Tradition in Node.js dictates you import core modules using this style:
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var fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile(packageJSONPath, readOperationDidFinish);
I’ve adhered to that style for the most part, but it’s always rubbed me the wrong way. As a core modules that points to a collection of static methods, capitalization is more appropriate.
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var FS = require('fs'); FS.readFile(packageJSONPath, readOperationDidFinish);
Where the correct decision becomes most apparent is when using the path module:
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var Path = require('path'); varjoin = Path.join; var path = join(process.cwd(), 'package.json');
We used lowercase for local values, and using lowercase for the path module easily results in naming conflicts.
I am an idiot who subconciously likes pugs, so I often type git pug instead of git push or git pull. Is this truly a problem? Note if I execute the following:
npm install pugme -g
Then place this in my ZSH aliases file:
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git() { if [[ $@ == "pug" ]]; then command pugme else command git "$@" fi }
mkdir -p ~ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins cd ~ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins git clone git:// cd nvm-zsh git submodule update --init
Then edit the plugins array in your ~/.zshrc to include nvm-zsh so that it looks somewhat like this: plugins=(nvm-zsh history-substring-search git osx ruby)
Installing a newer version of node
Run nvm ls-remote to determine the latest version of Node
Install it: nvm install v0.11.15
Run node --v8-options | grep harmony to determine which harmony features are supported
Start using harmony features by running your code with node --harmony foo.js
Gotchas w/ Arrow Functions in ES6/Harmony
Note that the following does not work:
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functionES6Example(){} = function(bar){ return((baz) => { = baz })(bar) } var es6Example = new ES6Example'qux') //undefined
But this does:
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functionES6Example(){ = baz => { = baz } } var es6Example = new ES6Example'qux') // 'qux'
I’m testing out Scout App for server monitoring. It requires something called mpstat and it apparently isn’t installed. To get it, run apt-get install sysstat.